Step 2: Set a stretching goal that gets you moving

  1. Consider the vision you articulated in Step 1. It’s the destination you’ll arrive at in, say, three years. Ask yourself what needs to happen to achieve it. Then ask what needs to happen to achieve that. Keep asking until you have a starting point: a stretch goal that upon its achievement in six months or a year gets you a good chunk of the way toward your vision, well into no-going-back territory.
  2. It shouldn’t be a sure bet. You should feel excited and challenged, not knowing exactly yet how you will achieve it.
  3. What are your people doing now, and what new things will they need to start doing to attain your first goal? How will you describe it to them and why it’s necessary? How will you secure their commitment to achieving it? What support might they need?
  4. What new things will you need to start doing to support them?
  5. Discuss your proposed first goal with trusted members of your team to see how it lands and to refine it.
  6. Enjoy the sense of excitement and purpose a big new goal brings.

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