The Podcast: Leadership is
No Accident
We believe in a radically simple idea, that leadership is no accident. These stories take you inside how people lead in our increasingly fast paced and complex world to achieve outcomes others didn’t believe were possible.
Amobi Okugo is a professional soccer player, who currently plays for Austin Bold FC in the USL Championship. Amobi’s passion and soccer talent led him to a scholarship to play collegiate soccer…
Leslie Braverman is the co-founder of Pacific Northwest Pilates, a Portland-based, highly recognized Pilates studio, celebrating 20 years of business this year. Leslie is a former professional ballet dancer, who performed with the…
Sarah Bradham is the Acting Executive Director at Mazamas, a 127 year old mountaineering organization formed on the summit of Mount Hood in 1894. Sarah’s strong passion for the outdoors combined with her…
Dave Stitt is recognized as one of the leading team coaches in the UK, where he works with some of the most important teams in the construction industry. Dave began his career in…
Having held a long-time passion for sports and fitness, Catherine Beldotti Donlan set aside her destined conventional career path within international relations, opting to pursue a career within the athletic industry. Since switching…
Phillip Crockford is the CEO of V-Teamwork, a leadership company based in Brisbane, Australia. His passion for helping others combined with his boundless creativity has led Phillip into innovating a unique way of…
When Liz Valentine founded her ad agency Swift, the building had no individual offices. The reason for this; to ensure that all Swift employees are on an equal footing, no matter their…
You can listen to this episode using the player below or subscribe to ‘Leadership Is No Accident’ at wherever you get your podcasts. Describing Nir Zavaro as “self-made” might be accurate, but there’s…