Step 7: Hold people accountable

  1. Reflect on the feedback you are providing to your team.
    1. What feedback do you typically provide? Is it encouraging or critical?
    2. How often are you providing it?
    3. When do you provide it?
    4. How do you provide it?
    5. How is your feedback received, and how do you know? Do you ask for feedback about yourself?
    6. What feedback does your team need to perform at their best?
  2. On providing critical feedback:
    1. What critical feedback have you provided in the past? How was the experience for you and the other person? What were the results?
    2. What can you change to generate a better outcome?
    3. What critical feedback do you need to provide that you haven’t yet?
  3. Think of a situation that will benefit from your feedback. Create a simple outline of the feedback you will provide covering:
    1. Your specific observation;
    2. Your expectations for this particular activity;
    3. If it is not meeting your expectations, explain your assessment and why it is important.
    4. What will you do to motivate the other person to take responsibility to change? This could include seeking their opinion, listening to their concerns and offering help.

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